Premier Gem

Social, Video, VR, AR

A Celebration Of Love

While celebrities like Scarlett Johansson and Serena Williams already don Premier Gem diamonds on red carpets everywhere, the company wanted to branch out to a new audience beyond Hollywood. The problem? That audience only purchased diamonds on special occasions that called for celebration. So we shined a light on an occasion they could always celebrate: love.

Social That Shines

We created a campaign centered around the idea that love itself is an occasion. An occasion worth celebrating with diamonds. Using precious gems and unique animations, we crafted video content that put love and a Premier Gem diamond front and center. We started with thirty-second Pre-Roll videos on industry sites and YouTube, then created bite-sized versions of those videos along with additional content that came to life via ads and stories on Facebook and Instagram.

A Virtual Discovery

To further shine a light on the unique quality and rarity of a Premier Gem diamond, we created an interactive video experience that took viewers on a journey through the discovery of an actual Premier Gem stone. Viewers were able to watch—and interact—with our video content on YouTube, exploring the exotic locations where Premier Gem diamonds are discovered with just the click and swipe of their mouse.